Monday, October 13, 2014


We have recently received some hard news. First of all, we will be so grateful for prayers for my dad, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. This is quite a shock to us, as he is such a vibrant, healthy person. We are hopeful that with treatment, he is almost certain to recover, but will need much prayer for the next two months of chemo and radiation. And prayers for his wife as she cares for him as he goes through this difficult time.

Second, we were told by our agency to expect to be in Uganda 8-10 weeks. I saw this coming, but was really hoping that 4-6 weeks would be enough time, as that was the estimate when we first started this journey. We have figured out travel expenses and fundraising needs based on 4-6 weeks, so we have had to up our amount that we will need. This is a bit discouraging, but we know the Lord has a purpose in it. We joke that our kids will think that we are living in Africa, after staying there for up to 3 months:) I've wanted to be in Africa for some time now so am looking forward to it, but the downside is that of those 10 weeks we will likely be in Uganda, Dan will only be able to be with us for about 5 or so, we think. This thought brings me quite a bit of apprehension, as I can't sleep when he's not in the same vicinity, much less country. And to manage four little ones, on my own, in a new place, it will be challenging! Especially if/when someone gets sick! Please pray for a brave spirit for me, that can rely completely on the Lord, to bring me help when I will need it!

We are waiting to hear the decision for 3 of the 4 foundations we applied to for grants. One has made a decision already, and has promised us a grant of $1,000 that will be able to be used towards post placement fees. Unfortunately we will not be able to get it pre-placement, or pre-travel.

We need to start planning at least a couple more fundraisers, one big, one smaller, maybe.

All donations are, of course, very welcome! We are totally humbled by the sacrificial giving that continues to bless us, and ultimately, our little girl. At this point, anything we raise goes to fund our travel and stay in Uganda, to go through the necessary legal process of bringing A home. Please don't think that we are just trying to get a really nice, exotic vacation paid for by everyone else. We would much prefer to pay for it ourselves and for it to be quicker, but this is the necessary process and we are stepping out in faith. We are trying to find deals, and do everything as inexpensively as possible to be good stewards of the funds entrusted to us, but, when all is said and done, this is an expensive mission.

Sometimes I do wonder, is this the right thing to do with around $40,000??? But then I am reminded that many spend that much on a new vehicle, or jewelry, or vacations, or various other "things." This is a precious little human we are talking about! The most precious of all preciousness. Of course it's worth it, though, yes, the money could be spent in many other philanthropic ways. But to think, a little girl is going to get a mama and daddy from this money. It's allowing her to become an American citizen with access to the best in everything, and the gift of being raised, as we were, on the Bible and it's invaluable teachings. A worthy cause? Absolutely!

We plead for your prayers, and would welcome any and all ideas on ways to smooth the stay, raise funds or great Bible verses to encourage our hearts now, through these very challenging times we find ourselves in. There is so much to worry about these days, we all need peace in our hearts. I'm fighting to be peace-filled (that's quite the paradox) for my kids, my husband, and others who need me. I just need to be reminded, over and over, that "I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me."

Remember our girl in your prayers, as ebola claims more and more victims, as she has underlying health conditions, and we won't be able to go to her for at least another 5 months!!! I am so thankful that our Lord loves her more than even we do, and can easily protect her and that if she is meant to be a Church, then nothing can stop her from coming HOME.

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