Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Hi everyone!
Just wanted to quickly let you all know that another situation has arisen for us. The two-year-old girl is going to be placed with another foster family, eventually to be adopted by them. However, a while back I mentioned two little boys in foster care in Florida. Well, we have finally heard back about one of them and we are very excited and encouraged by this news! We are one of a few other families interested in adopting him (he is 19 months old) so there will be a committee held to decide where he will go.

Our profile will be shown to the birth parents of the October baby on Thursday. After waiting so long, it is exciting to have options, but we have to be very guarded because we now feel torn. We are totally trusting the Lord, that He will lead us right to the perfect baby for our family! We trust that the timing of the commitee and the birth parents' decision will work out just right! It could take months before the committee is held for the little boy in foster care, or it could take weeks.

Also, for both of these adoptions we are almost fully funded!! This is great, however, we do not have a guarantee that either will work out. We have an interview with a granting agency on Saturday, and while this is great, we also feel uncomfortable not knowing if we will need the money or not! Of course, the money would not be issued if we didn't need it, but it would just be easier to know for sure beforehand, which of course, most likely will not happen. So, again, we are praying and would ask that you pray also that the Lord leads us in these matters, because only He knows where we will end up!

1 comment:

  1. wow, exciting stuff! how great to be in a position of possibly not needing any more funds, wouldn't that be terrific? Any child that ends up with your family will be so lucky and loved, can't wait to meet him or her when it happens :)

