Saturday, December 14, 2013

There Is No Enough

Most days Every day ends here at the Church house with many, many loose ends. Many tasks uncompleted, much to be done. We live on a skin tight budget. If it were an outfit, it would be scandalous, let me tell you. We only ever have a savings account once we've recovered from the last adoption and are hoarding tax returns till we can complete another. Much of the time we are busy, exhausted, overwhelmed, but strangely, find ourselves laughing and happy.

We could make the excuse that we are doing enough, after having adopted twice, and busy with many physical therapy and assessment appointments and doctor visits. But when there are 20-200 some MILLION orphans, I am sorry but, frankly, there is no enough. No enough for me. No enough for you, my friend. That word does not exist.

You see, inside of me there is a fire. Smoldering or raging, it is always there, and it will not be extinguished till I am. My goal in life? Once it was grad school. Know what it is now? Orphan Crisis. My retirement planning? Used to be gardening. Know what I plan now? Spending my life, helping. Spending every last breath.

Why? Because I am warm in winter, I do not go hungry, I am looking at a sparkly Christmas tree, and there are children in Romania that hit themselves in the face repeatedly, because they receive no other human contact. There are babies in Africa that DIE of starvation, because no mama or daddy ever came for them. Well, that is just not ok with me. And you know what? It's not ok with me that it's ok with you...because if it weren't ok with you, you would be doing something.

Yes, the idea of an international, or any adoption is overwhelming for me too. But so is the state of my laundry and everything else in my life. It is a daunting task making in through each day sanely. However, I have Jesus with me every step of the way, and if you do too, then you can do it and I can do it. Feeling overwhelmed is not an excuse either, friend.

No one has to do everything. Every one should do SOMETHING! Please support the adoptive families you know GENEROUSLY! If you know someone who is adopting give them everything you can and more. Because every penny you give gets that child home all the sooner; it's one less penny that family will have to struggle to come up with. And support them in prayer before, during and after placement of the child/ren.

Sponsor a child. Support a ministry that helps families stay together. Pray! Pray every day for an orphan or for all orphans.

Adoption is so hard. It is so expensive. But so worth every effort. Once you see those faces, once you hear the stories and see the tears and utter abandonment and heartache, you can not be human and not do something.

Derek Loux, and adoptive father and orphan advocate, said this "Adoption is redemption. It's costly, exhausting, expensive and outrageous. Buying back lives costs so much. When God set out to redeem us, it killed Him."

I'm not saying it's easy. I'm just saying that is no reason you should sleep better at night, doing nothing.

So get moving. What are you waiting for?

Some personal faves that I would encourage you to research and support:


World Vision

Steadfast Love

Compassion International

Show Hope

Love Without Boundaries

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