Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Well, we're about 2.5 months into the waiting process. Not much to report at this point. I've been reading "The Broken Cord" by Michael Dorris, as well as "Adopting The Hurt Child" by Keck and Kupecky. I am, once again, revising our profile book. We ordered a test copy and it was not quite right, some of the pictures were blurry and there was a typo!! So, that is all fixed and we should get all the rest of the copies (19 to be exact) in the next week or so.

I have been working on 2 more grant applications. All we have left is photocopying and then off they go.

We keep being blessed by tokens of love in the form of gift funds and smaller amounts raised through ongoing and one-time fundraisers and it is so encouraging. We're still a ways off from our goal, but it doesn't matter. We know this is all in the Lord's hands. We are willing to wait, if it means months, if it means years.

So for now, the most exciting thing that has happened is a phone call. When she called, I thought it could be it. It wasn't "it", but an interview from a grant foundation that we applied to. She didn't give any indication about the outcome, but said we would hear something more from them soon.

Not sure if this is worth reading, but for those of you who are waiting along with us, I know how hard the silence is. So I thought I would break it, even for mundane details. I enjoy getting any sort of email from my caseworker, just for the moment of not knowing what she's written, and savoring those brief seconds of expectation before they evaporate. So, here's to you, faithful reader. Enjoy it while it lasts!

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